The International Harbour Masters Association (IHMA) is a professional membership association for those responsible for the safe, secure, efficient and environmentally sound conduct of marine operations in port waters. The Association brings together Harbour Masters and all those who hold a managerial position in aspects of the control of marine operations within a port. Its members include port operations managers, VTS managers, and many others, as well as of course Harbour Masters. The IHMA unites those responsible for the safe, efficient and secure navigation of port waters with members representing more than 50 nations, extending throughout Western and Eastern Europe, Australasia, Africa, the Americas, the Middle East and Asia. Members are from ports large and small, publicly and privately owned, and represent a unique source of up-to-date, hands-on expertise in a range of port and maritime operations, including safety of navigation, vessel traffic control, shipping movements, port management, protection of the marine environment, the ship/port interface, cargo handling and safe stowage, safety management and training, and port security. IHMA has observer status at IMO. Reports of the proceedings of IMO Committees are circulated to members and made available together with selected documents of interest to members. Members can participate in IMO Working Groups and Correspondence Groups. IHMA works to develop information and resources for its members, and the Association supports the participation of its members in these efforts in order to ensure that relevant information is developed and made available to members. The Association also welcomes commercial members and maintains a good relationship with companies developing products and services that may assist members in the performance of their professional duties. Commercial members have access to the key decision makers and are especially important participants in the Associations business.
Contact us :
Follow us :
Sabrina Delelis
Mobile : +44 (0)1737 201482
Email: secretary.ihma@harbourmaster.org
Mobile : +212 677-870606
Email: ihma@marodisiac.com